Funds Center - Expertises


Strong capability in financial research, analysis and a complete range of investment capabilities and services entrusted to dedicated, integrated platforms.

A complete range of investment capabilities and services entrusted to dedicated, integrated platforms

Active management

1. Equity
Conviction-driven investments by specialists with unparalleled companies’ access.

2. North American expertise
Almost a century of experience based on the value investment management style.

3. Emerging markets
A unique 360° approach, combining emerging equity and bond specialists in a single team.

4. Multi-Asset
A complete range of solutions to meet our clients’ unique needs, with bespoke advisory.

5. Fixed income
The benchmark for European players, covering all investment approaches in an unbiased way.

6. Liquidity solutions
Unparalleled in size, the European leader with a team of industry recognized portfolio managers


6 international investment hubs (Boston, Dublin, London, Milan, Paris and Tokyo)

Passive management & Smart beta

A specialised business line offering flexible, competitive solutions for innovative portfolio construction:

1. ETF

2. Passive equity and bond management

3. Smart beta and factor investing

Real assets

Access to diversification through real assets and European private markets, managed directly or by a selection of the best external specialists.

1. Real Estate

2. Private Debt

3. Private Equity

4. Infrastructure

Structured solutions

A European leader, an expert in bespoke solutions combining capital protection and innovative strategies.

Alternative management

A complete range of investment solutions (UCITS funds and Dedicated Managed Account Platforms) with 28 managers covering the most representative strategies of the market.

Strong capabilities in financial research and analysis

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